Why Choose Us

  • You will have access to not only one, but two seasoned orthodontic specialists who will get to know what is most important to you before any treatment is considered.
  • You will be entrusting one of your most prominent features, your smile, to a team that has served Whitby and the Durham Region for over 20 stable years from the same single location.
  • We are very proud of our well-trained and highly skilled team and we will welcome you as part of that team.
  • You will be supported throughout your treatment so that you are comfortable as a patient, comfortable with the quality of care you are receiving, and comfortable to ask questions or voice any concerns.
  • We believe in building our practice based on patient trust and helping you achieve your vision of a perfect smile.
  • We understand how important oral health is to your overall well-being, and we take this very seriously.
  • We appreciate that we are part of a larger community that has been generous to us and part of our mission is to give back to that community, through sponsorship, volunteerism, and charity.
  • Your time and money will be respected – your appointments will be appropriately scheduled so you can spend less time waiting and more time doing what matters to you.
  • You will love your new smile.